I remember the first time my son had a seizure. It was THEE scariest moment of my life. My heart dropped. My world stopped. And I all I could say at the moment was “Oh God!” repeatedly and held my son until my daughter came to help. Talk about shock! (Thank God DJ was there!) Life started changing drastically! He was having 10-15 seizures a day sometimes. I was on my fitness journey during all of this and I remember my coach at the time saying ”I guess you will be taking some time off.” Almost in a way that granted me the “ok” to stop the journey. And I…
5 Habits You Need to Transform Your Body Now!
1. Stop making excuses This is really the one thing that’s holding us all back! We say we don’t have time. But we spend countless hours watching other people get fit and eat health on social media. We say we don’t know what to eat, but we have countless resources to help us with that. We have people in our lives, (Coach Ash being one of them
) who can help guide us in the right direction. Once we get rid of the excuses and begin to utilize the resources we have. But motivation by watching others doesn’t give you results. Action does! Consistent action. 2. Plan ahead The one…
I’m Actually a Bodybuilder
|Road to Wellness Stage- 1st Blog
Well I’ve been keeping a secret! I am currently preparing for my first Bikini Competition!!! Well…actually I will be in the Wellness category, but still in a bikini. Lol. I am officially a bodybuilder and that feels so awkward to admit!! I have been preparing for the show since February of this year..leaning down and adding muscle at the same time. I think this might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m not just saying that to be dramatic!! I literally wake up every day with intentions on taking the necessary steps it takes to be ready for the stage in August. I have to be intentional about…