Mental Health,  Self-Love,  Wellness

Look Within

I’m not sure when this started. How long ago we began to depend on this. But I think that is becoming our society’s downfall.

We seek it daily. Sometimes multiple times throughout the day. I’m no stranger to it either.

We look for the approval of others. The validity from outsiders to continue on. We look for the likes and hearts from others to tell us “well done.”

But I encourage you to look within. Validate yourself. Give yourself the likes and hearts you desire.

I encourage you to seek out your heart’s desires and do EXACTLY what it is that you WANT to do!

Not for the validity of others. But for the pure joy and satisfaction of doing something you wanted to. For the pure joy and satisfaction of pleasing yourself. For the pure joy and satisfaction of looking within!

I encourage you to look within, and validate yourself.

With love. 💖

Coach Ash


  • Shanae

    Wow! God is funny!!! God is good. You never know who or how a message will be delivered. Chills. I needed this more than you know! Being a leader often times it’s lonely. We don’t hear good feedback or simply as you put “well done”. I’ve been questioning myself. Trying to give 1000% to my job I have been giving 0% to myself. Mmmm!!! Imma go dry my eyes now.

  • S. LeAnn

    Yes indeed…it’s as we embark on the new time of day in the collective awakening..we now have to go within in trusting self ..God to navigate and create the narrative of the life we are purposed to live your intuition ✨️

  • Geneva Clark

    I believe that for the first time since I’ve been an adult that I have felt true freedom. I quit my job several months ago I started a workout routine and I’m channeling my new career path; and today I’m doing exactly what I want to do and not what everybody else want me to do; not everything that I am doing feels good but it’s necessary and for the first time I feel free. I’m doing me and it feels so good.

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