• When Roles Change| My Teenager Doesn’t Need Me Anymore

    I’ve been a mom for 16 years now. Almost 17. And with each year as a mom I notice new characteristics with my oldest child and new ones within myself as a mom. I get an opportunity to see what I’ve done well as a mom by instilling characteristics in her that I wish I possessed. Cultivating and pulling out parts of her personality that she isn’t always comfortable sharing and being flexible where I need to be so I don’t push her to do things she isn’t comfortable or doesn’t desire doing. But I want to talk about how roles change as children get older. I’ve seen it happen…

  • November-Fresh Start

    A new month is approaching. When we approach new things we tend to go into it with a fresh outlook. New ideas. New challenges. Fresh start. We feel more comfortable starting new things at the start of a new week, month, year for the previously stated reason. A fresh start. I usually don’t like to live by that outlook personally. If I see something needs to change, I try to change it as soon as I am aware. For me, it just prolongs the inevitable. That’s just me though. And with saying all of that, I have learned that you should “Never say never” because I have found myself doing…