• Make it Easy

    The challenge for this week is: Make it Easy. What exactly for this mean? It means to make life easy for ourselves. Put processes in place to make life easy for ourselves. To help alleviate issues and challenges that are in our control. If I struggle with getting out the bed when the alarm goes off I need to do something different that will make it easy for me. I actually struggled with this. So I decided to keep my alarm further from the bed where I HAVE to get out the bed to turn the alarm off. If I get back in the bed, that is a choice I…

  • 23 Wellness Day Challenge Kick-Off Recap!

    Good morning ladies! To recap our kick off call…I do truly appreciate you for joining this wellness challenge. My hope is that we can all find reasons for gratitude each and every day, and that we can create habits that are sustainable and healthy for a better quality of life 💖 As a reminder our challenge of the week is: choice. And what that means is to give yourself autonomy to make the choices that are right for what you want out of this challenge. You have the choice to do right and you have the choice to do wrong. You have the choice to give into temptation and you…

  • Love Notes to Self

    You ever just think about the old version of yourself, the things we allowed and shouldn’t have or the permission we DIDNT grant ourselves and just wanna love on the old version. Give a great big hug. She didn’t know what she didn’t know. And the growth is amazing! The lessons learned. The battles fought. Some won some lost. The potential is still there. And time is not up. Live. Laugh. Love. Learn. What would you tell you former self? What are you grateful for knowing now that you may not have known before? How will you continue to love on yourself?

  • 22 Day Wellness Challenge

    Join in on the 22 Day Wellness Challenge where we focus on our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This challenge will offer daily workouts ranging from Booty Building, Strength Training, HIIT and even YOGA! Register here!! We will focus on being kind to ourselves as well as others and begin to create daily habits that will carry us through the remainder of 2022. Each day we will focus on creating small habits that will lead to major results over time.Each day we will focus on making small strides to bigger steps! At the end of 22 days, you will be better prepared to carry on the torch for more self-aware…

  • It’s a Party!!!

    I can’t believe it’s already going on a year of being able to help women discover and make time to devote to themselves and their health! Please join me in celebrating being in business for 1 year!! I am partnering with some dope women, UnCommon, in Akron who have come alongside this journey and allowed me to help even more women! They will be joining us as well! Registration to join the walk party as a way to say thank you to continue to promote health and wellness for my ladies!! Don’t miss out on this FREE EVENT!! And get your shirt HERE!! (It’s optional, and appreciated!!) Thank you for…