• It’s Bigger Than Fitting Those Jeans

    Consistent healthy eating and a consistent active lifestyle can provide a better chance for a higher quality of life. It lowers the risk of:👉🏾High blood pressure👉🏾High cholesterol👉🏾High glucose levels👉🏾Obesity👉🏾Heart Disease (number one cause of death in the US) It’s so much bigger than fitting into those old jeans. It’s literally life changing. Ok bye! ✌🏾

  • Stop Doing This NOW!

    How many times have you made a promise to yourself and were super excited to get started? We get all the essentials we need to get started. We prepare ourselves for the new found inspiration and get ready to give it a go! We take ONE true shot and it doesn’t go as planned. We lose all faith in the plan and decide its no longer important to us. Until the the urge hits again. Then we are back to square one. Starting all over again. From the basics. That same fierce motivation hits. This time a little more urgency because now we are further from our initial goal as…

  • Young Marines of Cincinnati

    🎉🎉Happy to announce that Pure and Simple Fitness is one of the sponsors for a 5K🎉🎉 Young Marines of Cincinnati is having their 2nd Annual 5K on Sunday, October 22, 2023 to help promote a Drug Free Lifestyle!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 ‼️‼️Also… I will be there helping us all warm up AGAIN for the 2nd year!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 ‼️‼️ I am beyond grateful for this relationship and can not wait to see it continue to grow! These youth have been tugging on my heart strings lately as they continue to include me in their events and allow me to feel like I’m part of the family. They invited me to be part of…

  • America….America Has A Problem

    Yup! We are doing a huge disservice to our future generations. As technology continues to advance allowing us to have greater access to knowledge, connect with people all over the world, and provide entertainment at every single moment of the day…it has caused a huge issue for our youth. Our children are more overweight now than they ever were before. And if my predictions are correct…. (Dramatically Long Pause For Effect) it is only going to get worse. In 1974 the numbers were strikingly different than most recent studies. From a survey focused on youth and their weight based on percentages amongst children of the same age group the numbers…

  • Look Within

    I’m not sure when this started. How long ago we began to depend on this. But I think that is becoming our society’s downfall. We seek it daily. Sometimes multiple times throughout the day. I’m no stranger to it either. We look for the approval of others. The validity from outsiders to continue on. We look for the likes and hearts from others to tell us “well done.” But I encourage you to look within. Validate yourself. Give yourself the likes and hearts you desire. I encourage you to seek out your heart’s desires and do EXACTLY what it is that you WANT to do! Not for the validity of…