1. Stop making excuses This is really the one thing that’s holding us all back! We say we don’t have time. But we spend countless hours watching other people get fit and eat health on social media. We say we don’t know what to eat, but we have countless resources to help us with that. We have people in our lives, (Coach Ash being one of them 🤪) who can help guide us in the right direction. Once we get rid of the excuses and begin to utilize the resources we have. But motivation by watching others doesn’t give you results. Action does! Consistent action. 2. Plan ahead The one…
I’m Actually a Bodybuilder 😬😳|Road to Wellness Stage- 1st Blog
Well I’ve been keeping a secret! I am currently preparing for my first Bikini Competition!!! Well…actually I will be in the Wellness category, but still in a bikini. Lol. I am officially a bodybuilder and that feels so awkward to admit!! I have been preparing for the show since February of this year..leaning down and adding muscle at the same time. I think this might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m not just saying that to be dramatic!! I literally wake up every day with intentions on taking the necessary steps it takes to be ready for the stage in August. I have to be intentional about…
22 Day Wellness Challenge
Join in on the 22 Day Wellness Challenge where we focus on our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This challenge will offer daily workouts ranging from Booty Building, Strength Training, HIIT and even YOGA! Register here!! We will focus on being kind to ourselves as well as others and begin to create daily habits that will carry us through the remainder of 2022. Each day we will focus on creating small habits that will lead to major results over time.Each day we will focus on making small strides to bigger steps! At the end of 22 days, you will be better prepared to carry on the torch for more self-aware…
It’s a Party!!!
I can’t believe it’s already going on a year of being able to help women discover and make time to devote to themselves and their health! Please join me in celebrating being in business for 1 year!! I am partnering with some dope women, UnCommon, in Akron who have come alongside this journey and allowed me to help even more women! They will be joining us as well! Registration to join the walk party as a way to say thank you to continue to promote health and wellness for my ladies!! Don’t miss out on this FREE EVENT!! And get your shirt HERE!! (It’s optional, and appreciated!!) Thank you for…
Thank You Letter to My Husband| Happy Anniversary
Thank you so much!!! For all that you do. Thank you for being an amazing Father. Thank you for showing the kids that a Father is present and that he is very involved in their lives. Thank you for having the conversations with them that I fail to. Thank you for wanting to make them feel comfortable coming to you about anything. Thank you for laughing with them and sometimes at them. It builds character and allows them to laugh at themselves too. Thank you. Thank you for being the best provider. Thank you for thinking about our future. Thank you for the sacrifices that you make for us. Thank…