• 5 Sneaky Ways to Stay (or Get) Active While Working From Home

    How many out there are working from home and find getting some movement in difficult?? 🙋🏾‍♀️ OR…. You work in an office setting and you find it hard to be active through the day! Girl, same! I recently started working from home and boy did I notice a drop in my activity level! The amount of steps I had in day dropped drastically. I found myself sitting A LOT! And my water intake dwindled. After a couple weeks of this, I said nope! Let me get my life! And I want to share with you what helped so we can all win! I use to work downtown so there was…

  • How I Almost Lost Myself as a Caregiver

    I remember the first time my son had a seizure. It was THEE scariest moment of my life. My heart dropped. My world stopped. And I all I could say at the moment was “Oh God!” repeatedly and held my son until my daughter came to help. Talk about shock! (Thank God DJ was there!) Life started changing drastically! He was having 10-15 seizures a day sometimes. I was on my fitness journey during all of this and I remember my coach at the time saying ”I guess you will be taking some time off.” Almost in a way that granted me the “ok” to stop the journey. And I…

  • Connect

    We are distracted. The world around us is fast-paced. There is someone trying to grab our attention for SOMETHING. Anything really. You probably already received a notification that you rather check than to continue reading.  But I encourage you to take ownership of your focus! Be in control of what holds your attention. And I really encourage you to make yourself the focus. Let me explain. Our body’s speak to us. It tells us when something is wrong and when something is right. You ever get that butterfly feeling when you are around someone you adore? That is your Central Nervous System speaking to you. What do you think it’s…

  • Look Within

    I’m not sure when this started. How long ago we began to depend on this. But I think that is becoming our society’s downfall. We seek it daily. Sometimes multiple times throughout the day. I’m no stranger to it either. We look for the approval of others. The validity from outsiders to continue on. We look for the likes and hearts from others to tell us “well done.” But I encourage you to look within. Validate yourself. Give yourself the likes and hearts you desire. I encourage you to seek out your heart’s desires and do EXACTLY what it is that you WANT to do! Not for the validity of…

  • How to be Happy

    I no longer base my happiness on the next gadget or next item or material things. That only leaves you happy for a little while then you need something else to fill that void when the new item no longer feels “new”. My happiness is based on taking each moment in. Living in it. Feeling it. Doing things I enjoy daily. And feeding my body nutritious foods. I legit do a little jig when my plate is filled with colorful foods of the earth! I pause and smile when I want to relish in a moment and be present with it. (Or cry if that’s what it calls for) 1.…