Ever thought about cutting off dairy? Due to health reasons? Trying to detox? Intolerance? Well I tried it for a month and let me tell you… it wasn’t at all easy! For the month of November, I created a challenge of things I wouldn’t consume. Dairy was among those items. I have 5 things that may happen to you during the first month you decide to stop eating dairy. 1. Cravings Will Be On 100 I promise, the day arrived for me to begin my No-November Challenge and so did the cravings for everything I said I wouldn’t have. Prior to the challenge I would have mozzarella cheese in my…
November-Fresh Start
A new month is approaching. When we approach new things we tend to go into it with a fresh outlook. New ideas. New challenges. Fresh start. We feel more comfortable starting new things at the start of a new week, month, year for the previously stated reason. A fresh start. I usually don’t like to live by that outlook personally. If I see something needs to change, I try to change it as soon as I am aware. For me, it just prolongs the inevitable. That’s just me though. And with saying all of that, I have learned that you should “Never say never” because I have found myself doing…
How To Stick To Your Goals in 2021 | What You Need If Motivation Is Not Enough
We have been jaded!! As Americans, we have been sold a dream. We have been extremely catered to. We are told that if we want something, we can get it and it won’t require much effort. We thrive off of instant gratification. It’s what we have grown to love. We have a desire, we go after it. But it better happen quick! And we better not have to work hard for it. If it takes too much effort…. NEXT! We move on to an alternative way of getting it or change the goal altogether. With any goal it requires some dedication. Determination. Consistency. Diligence. Planning. Milestones. Celebrations! You have to…
I think we can ALL agree that 2020 has been trash! For some, more trash than others. We have all witnessed and been a part of really trying times. I could bet that a number of you reading this have had to deal with some form of loss this year due to everything going on right now. With life comes grief, but good grief this year has brought more for me than I could have EVER imagined! One of the losses that come to mind for me that I had to grieve for a short period of time was the control over my life. When the pandemic hit and the…
Why You Should Have An Accountability Partner| How To Ensure Success
I read an article awhile back that got me to thinking. It talked about the different people we all need in our lives to help us along the way. After reading it, I did a quick scan of the people in my life to see if I was equipped with the right folks to call on based on what issues may arise. The one person that this article mentioned that stood out to me was an Accountability Partner. Someone to be honest with you about your progress or lack thereof, in whatever area of your life you specify for that individual(s). Someone who will be honest with you rather it…